Thursday, September 18, 2008

We've been FRAMED

So from the last post you know we started to frame our house. Progress went slow until Saturday and we got almost all the walls up and the wafer board on the outside walls. It was great to see that it is the shape of the house now. Framing is really neat because when you get a wall done you can see a lot of progress. In just a couple of hours I help build and put up four walls with Teri. We were just getting them done.

Joe and Kaylyn standing in our garage.

We did have two big hold-ups and it was tub #1 and #2. These are great shower tub combos that we are getting but there are a few draw backs. The tubs were suppose to be delivered on Friday so we could put them in the bathroom before the walls were put up. The issue is that the tubs are just about 2 inches bigger than all but the front and back door ways. So if you don't put them in then you have to take out walls to put them in later. Well they weren't delivered until Monday. On Saturday we just had to not put up several of the walls and leave out some studs so we could put them in on Monday. On Monday evening, we were able to get them in to the right spots and finish up all the framing and bracing that needed to be done. The house looks so good and is so awesome to see all the progress made in just a week.

Friday, September 12, 2008

First Wall

Our first wall went up on Tuesday. It went up then came back down and then went up again. Of course we forgot to drill out a hole so that is why we had to put it back down. Then we were able to put it back up. We are making a lot of progress. Walls, walls, walls are going up all around the house. We are on schedule to get all the walls up by Saturday. I am just so excited about having our house up. Also after ours is done we will only have one more to frame next week and then we get to move on to something beside framing.


This stack of wood is what we will use to build our house. There will be a lot of other stuff that goes into it, but when this stack of wood is almost gone it will really look like a building. This stack of wood will take on a whole new shape by the end of Saturday.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cement Floor

On Wednesday, the cement for our floor was pored. We were so excited. I almost wanted to get up on it and do a little dance, but it was still wet. I will however do one when the cement has cured and is able to be walked on. We are just one step closer.The first picture is our garage, and behind the garage is where our utility room and kitchen will be. The second picture is the rest of the house mostly.


Gravel is a major project on our houses. When the ruff plumbing is done inside of the footings then we have to level the dirt inside the footings, and then gravel is pored on top of that. The gravel has to then be leveled out. The gravel has to be four inches below the edge and not to much higher or lower, because then the cement is pored on top of that. So if the cement is to thin that effects the floor of the house and if it is too thick it costs a lot more to get that extra amount. So it has to be done pretty close. It is usually very hot when we have done this and it takes a lot of man hours. We also had to gravel the last three houses in one week. It turned out good but it sure is a lot of work.

The ruff plumbing is done, and the plumbers leave us big mounds of dirt to level off.

Our group hard at work.

The gravel leveled off and ready for the next step of more plumbing and the cement to soon to come.

July 9th

We are building a house!!!!

I almost still can't believe it. To some of you this is old news, but we wanted to make sure that everything was in place before I posted it. We are building a house and start next week.

We are in a program called Mutual Self-help housing program ran through Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Coop. (nnhc). It is such a great blessing in our life, that we will be able to help build our own home and our neighbors homes as well. Joe and I never thought we would be able to afford a home, let alone a new one and a very good sized one. We had choices on lots and this one we choose and all the houses around us are also in the program.

We also had the choice of about 10 house plans. We picked our top three and got our top pick. Most people in our group have the house that was in our top three also and we are glad we don't have the same one. We are really nervous about picking out colors now.
This is our layout inside. It is so great that we have four bedrooms.

August 8th

We have been working full time now on the houses. Our lot has been staked out and a little has been dug out. We have finished framing House #1, House #2 we will start framing on Saturday, #3, #4, #5 and #6 are at various stages of having the footings and slab done on. It has so far been going very quickly. Our group is wonderful and we feel so blessed to be able to build these houses.
The progress on our house #7.

Update on August 25

Here is the progress on our house.
Joe and I put the blue board insulation up and laid out the plastic sheeting. It was really easy to pop into place. Since the picture it was back filled with dirt and the first stage of plumbing should be going in this week.
Our group is awesome and we already have 3 framed and well on our way to having the 4th one done by the end of the week. We are all just working so hard and I still can't believe that we will soon have a house to call home.